Studio Policy
As a Nationally and State Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM), I teach piano lessons, vocal lessons, and music theory/composition lessons; there are certain guidelines and policies to which Miller Music Studios (the Studio) must strictly adhere. These are as follows:
Standard Studio Procedure
Music is a language and as with any language, there are many basics and fundamentals which must be mastered as a foundation prior to advancing to more complex applications. The student's readiness to advance to each of the many levels will be determined by the teacher and that decision will be based on the student's mastery of each level. The teacher has the knowledge of music and is the best one to judge the abilities of the student to advance.
During the course of study, I endeavor to cover all areas of musicianship, music appreciation, music history, the rudiments of scales, chords, cadences & arpeggios in all keys, music theory, technique, formal analysis, harmony, ear-training, solfeggio (sight singing), sight-reading, performance, improvisation, and a comprehensive study of music literature in a progressive fashion.
Weekly attendance of lessons and daily practice are necessary for mastery. Each student must give me full attention during the lesson and try their best in order to progress and ultimately reach their full potential. I approach each student as an individual and attempt to not only challenge their abilities but also keep it fun!
The 2024 Studio tuition rates are:
15 mins - $35; 30 mins - $450; 45 minutes - $65; 60 mins - $80
Tuition is invoiced monthly, according to the number of lessons that fall in that month, usually four (4) or five (5). To reserve a weekly time slot, payment is required in advance for the entire month, and due no later than the 1st day of each month. Payments can be made by cash, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, CashApp, ApplePay; checks made out to Miller Music Studios are acceptable but discouraged due to a bank fee we incur.
Payments received after the 1st of the month will incur a $15 late fee to be paid with the outstanding invoice or will be added to the next invoice. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, an additional fee of $5 will be charged per day. More than three (3) late payments may result in termination of lessons. New students are required to pay at the first lesson for that lesson and the remainder of the month. Casual or one-off Per Diem lessons must be paid before the lesson is given and are offered only according to the Studio’s availability
A) Registration Fee: $47.00 per family, due at sign-up and each September thereafter.
B) Recital Participation Fee: $45 per student & $15 for each additional student from the same family. General admission tickets are $10.00.
C) Adjudications: ABRSM, Piano Guild and other competitions charge a participation fee. Participating Students should make their payments to the Studio in cash which in turn pays the joint fees in full.
The Studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for student absence(s), and tuition fees shall not be adjusted nor refunded for missed lessons. Students are entitled to a make-up lesson provided the Studio is given 24 hours’ notice prior to cancellation and must occur during the school year September 1st - June 30th. Make-up times will be offered by the Studio as they become available. During the Summer Session July & August, missed lessons must be made up by the end of August. Unused make-ups will expire. We will not make up missed make-up lessons
Out of consideration for the health of Studio staff and other students, students with contagious illnesses are not permitted to attend lessons in person but can take them online; if you do not choose the online option, those lessons will be made up in accordance with the CANCELLATION & MAKE-UP POLICY per #4 above.
Students under five (5) years old must be always accompanied by a parent/guardian. Siblings must be always supervised, not allowed to disrupt the lesson, including roaming around the room, and only play with the toys the Studio makes available or ones they bring.
Students shall arrive at the designated lesson time. If you should arrive early, please stay in your car until your designated lesson time to not interrupt the current lesson. Washing of hands is included in the lesson time and does not extend the lesson time. If a student arrives late, the lesson will still end at the scheduled time.
No make-up time will be offered for missed minutes and tuition will not be adjusted. Students must be picked up promptly after class and wait in the entrance area until a parent/guardian arrives. Out of respect for other students and their need for parking space, parents/guardians must depart the Studio immediately after the lesson is over.
From time-to-time, the Studio may need to modify the schedule temporarily or permanently which may affect a student’s regular lesson time and/or day. If this occurs, a mutually agreeable alternative time slot(s) will be found. The Studio reserves the right to modify, change, or alter all students’ schedules if necessary.
If your lesson falls on Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, or the 4th of July, we will either have your lesson as usual or reschedule, according to your preference. We have found students’ progress is adversely affected when they must miss lessons due to their lesson unfortunately falling on a Holiday. Students often use holiday time and school snow days to take advantage of getting extra lessons.
The Studio lessons continue as usual during the summer months. If a student needs time off, a slot may be reserved by paying for the lessons in full and in advance. Unreserved time slots may be given to another Student.
Each year, performance, competition, award programs and adjudication opportunities are made available to eligible students by the Studio. Students who wish to participate in these events must commit themselves and strictly adhere to deadlines for preparation. Students whose piece(s) is/are not performance-ready by 2 weeks prior to the deadline shall be withdrawn from the event, and fees will not be refunded nor is there a refund if a Student commits to an event and withdraws.
The Studio reserves the right to teach all students based on its methods, procedures, and policies, and reserves the right to refuse service without explanation.
The Studio expressly disclaims all liability and responsibility of every kind and nature whatsoever for any loss, theft, damage, destruction, and/or other casualty to any person and/or personal property owned by students or visitors. Students are advised and warned they must personally take full responsibility for the safekeeping of all their property. Students/Guardians assume all risks and hazards incidental to participation in the Studio’s events and activities, and hereby release and waive all claims against the Studio and venues used.
The Studio makes no guarantees, either express or implied, regarding a student’s musical progress over any period or any number of music lessons or that a student preparing for an examination of any kind will have a positive outcome, such as, but not limited to, getting hired by a band, or being accepted to a scholastic music program of any level.
A) Termination by Student: Lessons may be canceled by students with two weeks’ notice. Fees will still apply for the remainder of the month, regardless of attendance. There are no refunds or exceptions.
B) Termination by Teacher: The Studio reserves the right to terminate a student’s lessons for the following infractions:
1. Inappropriate behavior towards the Studio staff, students, and family members, including violence, swearing, defamation of character,
unacceptable advances or any other behavior which falls outside the realm of common respect and decency.
2. Destruction or damage of Studio property.
3. Attendance at lessons in any type of intoxicated state.
4. Failure to pay monthly lessons in full by the due date.
This policy agreement automatically renews each year unless otherwise specified by the Studio
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at 845-342-2206 or email me at: info@MillerMusicStudios.com
Diane L. Miller, NCTM