As a member in good standing with the New York State Music Teachers Association, the Music Teachers National Association and several other professional music organizations, there are certain guidelines to which I must strictly adhere regarding missed lessons, the billing process and late fees. Currently, my rates for private piano and voice lessons are as follows:
15 minute lessons = $35 USD
30 minute lessons = $50 USD
45 minute lessons = $65 USD
60 minute lessons = $80 USD
Lessons will be billed on a monthly basis for however many lessons fall in each month. If your lesson falls on a holiday, you will not be billed for that lesson. There are nine holidays I will observe per year: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day and the 4th of the July. These are the only holidays in which lessons will not be billed. Usually there are four lessons that fall in a calendar month, sometimes there will be five lessons in the month, and rarely there will be three lessons in the month if one of your lessons falls on a holiday when I am not teaching.
THESE MONTHLY FEES RESERVE A TIME SLOT which works like rent one would pay for an apartment. These are flat fees to reserve your or your child’s weekly time for lessons WHETHER YOU CHOOSE TO ATTEND OR MISS. Fees are charged by the month, and are not lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. You may schedule extra single lessons which are paid at the beginning of that lesson. You are entitled to two make-up lessons per year from September 1st through August 31st. These must be taken while you are a student and within the September through August time frame. Thus, if you quit for any length of time, and did not use the make-up lessons, you lose them. We will start the new calendar year every September 1st with a clean slate. This policy is for full-time students who pay by the first of the month; no make-up lessons will be given in any month that payment was received after the first of that month.
Late Fee: Payment is due by the 1st of each month or when you begin lessons if it is past that date. A $15.00 late fee shall be assessed for any payments received after the 1st of each month. This late charge would best be paid at the time that the month’s fee is remitted, or it will appear on the following month’s statement. If payment has not yet been received by the 15th, additional late charges at the rate of $2 per day shall be added to the original fees. Consistently paying after the first of the month unfortunately may result in termination of lessons.
Registration Fee: There is a $47.00 per family Registration Fee at the time a student signs up for lessons and each September thereafter.
Recital Fee: Due to the rising costs for our recitals, the participation fee is $45 per student, and $15 for each additional student within the same family. Tickets costing $10.00 each for general admission is required for the audience attendees. This includes the Christmas Musicale and the Spring Recital.
Adjudications: The National Federation of Music Clubs, Piano Guild, MTNA auditions, and other competitions of this nature charge a participation fee. Students who qualify and want to participate will pay the Studio the fee charged by the organization and the Studio will pay the organization one lump sum.
Materials: Each student is given the books, metronome, and other materials needed for study at lessons and home practice; charges will be included in the following month’s bill.
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